De La Warr Pavilion
We undertook a ground-breaking study into the Social Capital generated by the De La Warr Pavilion in Bexhill. Our work helped the Pavilion prove its significance within the local community and to secure a seven year funding agreement from the local district council. You can download the full report and the appendix through the Downloadable Files link. The De La Warr Pavilion says that our report:
“…has offered a new way of thinking for the Pavilion, reinforcing the cultural change made within the organisation, led by the Pavilion’s director, Stewart Drew, over the last two years. It has revealed that our vision remains strong, but our strength and resilience as an organisation depends on our connections and what we mean to those with whom we are connected. We do not stand alone, but are part of a bigger picture. – in simple terms, it revealed that we are an integral part of people’s lives and stories but not always in the ways we expected … Not only does it helps us to consolidate our thinking, building sustainability and resilience at a time when it is crucial to evolve our business, but clearly illustrates the responsibility we have, as custodians of this important building, to continue to have meaning and relevance to the communities it serves.”